RCT (Root Canal Therapy) at Bondi Dentistry

Our general dentistry includes services such as Check-ups, Scale & Cleans, tooth Fillings and Dentures.
We also see children as well as Emergency patients.

RCT (Root Canal Therapy)

When a tooth is considered threatened of a highly likely, or inevitable, future infection, the final resort in saving your tooth is Root Canal Therapy. Very common is the existing presence of infection under the tooth or within the tooth. In order to cure the infection and save the tooth, the tooth is drilled to the pulp chamber, the infected pulp is removed and then the nerve is removed from the root canal/s. The debris and infected tissue is removed and then cleaned using an irrigation solution. Once the roots have been cleaned and irrigated, they are then filled with material and the opening is sealed.

This procedure is knows as Root Canal Therapy (RCT) or Endodontic Therapy.

Following Root Canal Therapy, it is ideal that the tooth be fitted with a crown to protect it now that the blood flow and nerves were removed from it, and it is now susceptible to fractures.

Although this procedure can be completed in a single appointment, it is preferable to complete the treatment over two or three appointments in order to facilitate a higher success of the procedure.

Having had almost 20 years experience performing RCTs and consistently updating her knowledge, experience and accreditation on the procedure, Dr Helen Kanikevich utilises the latest in developments pertaining to this Endodontic Therapy, always perfecting her technique and utilising methodologies which will enable her to make Root Canal Therapy as painless and comfortable as possible.

If you have been experiencing tooth aches or have noticed yourself more susceptible to oral infections that usual, you may have an infected root, and need treatment for it as soon as possible. Book in your FREE* consultation now, and gain the treatment you require from an experienced professional who’s passion for her work will only benefit you with a superior dental treatment.

Regular dental visits are important because they help spot oral health problems early-on when treatment is likely to be simpler and more affordable. They also help prevent many oral problems from developing in the first place.

Visiting your dentist regularly is also important because some diseases or medical conditions have symptoms that can appear in the mouth.

Even if you don’t have any symptoms that may appear obvious to you, you should still see your dentist regularly for check-ups as you may have severe problems that only a dentist can diagnose. Regular visits to the dentist can also help prevent any issues from developing. Keeping your mouth healthy is essential to your overall health.

Contact us on   9130 4827   or   BOOK IN   to make an appointment as soon as possible!
Please make sure to tell us that this is an emergency, or that you are in pain when doing so.